5 Ways to Check the Condition of a Used Car Body?

On the inspection of the car you find scrap car removals in town, do not forget to grab a notebook in which you will write down all the discovered cons of this instance, not only to not forget them but, first of all, to conduct a reasoned bargaining.
So, what is most important in a car?
This is the body. With him, and we need to begin an examination. The body is very important because all other parts can be exchanged by investing those or other means, and the body will remain with you until the sale of the car or putting it into scrap. To the latter came soon, and not with you carefully examine the body of the proposed purchase.
What can ail a used car?
Most often the disease is called deformation, in second place is the diagnosis of rust. Sometimes there is poor-quality painting.
Deformation of the body of the car appears as a result of the mechanical impact of external forces on it. This can happen in an accident, with an accidental collision with a solid motionless inanimate obstacle or impact on it. Sometimes the deformation results in a rollover of the car in various contingencies.
It is necessary to understand what deformation immediately lowers the value of the car below the skirting board, and which only indicates its operation in the past and slightly influences safety and driving performance.
It's no secret that the physical parameters of the body are calculated by the designers taking into account the huge number of requirements, the main ones being safety and safety requirements. Then they look at the weight and aerodynamics. The introduction of any independent changes in the design of the body is fraught with various unpredictable consequences. For example, straightening and welding damaged in the accident road - the power structures of the body can subsequently lead to their kink at the repair site at the next accident. In this case, the car will not crash so beautifully, as in crash tests in the laboratory.
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If the spars were damaged, not strong and straighten them did not or did not straighten out completely, it is possible that when the skewed car stubbornly does not want to go straight, but it is prowling along the roadway.
How to check the geometry of the body? Yes, it's very simple. Try to close all doors, they should close with the same effort and sound. With closed doors, take a closer look at the width of the slots around the doors, they should be the same width. The doors themselves should be equally drowned in their openings. If the body is skewed, the door on the impact side may protrude slightly outward or recede deeper than the rest.
Let's look at the coloring of the car. To view the appearance of the car, of course, you need in sufficient light. This should be done either on a bright day or with good artificial light. The car should be well washed, otherwise, under a layer of dirt, you can not see rust the size of a palm. If you are offered to buy a dirty car, inspect it in the dark or in a darkened garage - there is something wrong!

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So what should you look for?
It is necessary to search for all traces of non-water painting. They will tell us about the car accidents, and about where he could trust.
Examine the surface of the hood, roof, doors, trunk, wings. All of them should have the same shade of color if any part of the car is different from the others - it was painted. Write it down in your notebook. We continue. Approach closely to the car from the side, sit down, so that your eyes are at the same level in height with the middle of the board. Look at it along the car. Any defects in painting and whether the surface - dents, bulges, scrapes are clearly visible at this angle. All of them can be repair places.
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These places can be checked using a souvenir magnet for a refrigerator. We need to compare how it clings to the suspicious parts of the surface and to the suspicious. If to the suspicious it sticks much worse, then under the paint a large layer of putty, in maybe a closed through the hole. Through holes from rust appear more often over wheel arches, at the ends of doors or in the bends of wings. If in these places the magnet does not hold, then the holes are sealed with putty and painted. Painting is likely to be seen too. Such repair of rusted places is a temporary measure, after a year or two the paint will break and leave, and rust will take its own.
Painting a car after an accident is never as good as a factory car. When painting, the correct environmental conditions may not be observed, or low-quality materials - primers, auto enamels, varnishes, etc., may be used. Accordingly, and to resist corrosion such a coating will be worse. If the manufacturer gives a guarantee of corrosion resistance of 5 years, then when repainting, the service life can be divided into two.
Look for the seals of the doors and trunk windows, corrosion likes to climb from there.
In terms of resistance to corrosion, cars of European brands win AUDI, Volkswagen, Volvo. Their bodies are galvanized (at least they did before). Japanese and American cars are less resistant to rust. If there is enough money, the most profitable purchase will be a three-year-old used car from Germany, there should be no corrosion at all. But most of the funds are enough except for 5-7 summer cars, which due to sky-high customs duties to import from abroad is unprofitable. When choosing a 5-7-year-old car, operated in the conditions of our cities, it is simply impossible to find a completely stainless steel. With a certain amount of rust during the purchase will have to accept, but after buying it you can not be reconciled. It is necessary to make anti-corrosion.
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If you look at the car from the bottom, you can usually see a picture: the bottom looks normal, and the hinged parts - the muffler, the resonator, the exhaust pipe, the protection of the gas tank is absolutely rusty. This picture is normal, since the bottom has a factory anti-corrosion treatment, and the hinged parts are not always. They still have to be changed, so the manufacturer is not wasted on their anti-corrosion treatment.
So, the most unpleasant rust on the car body appears in problem areas or in consequence of an accident. Problematic areas are wheel arches, lower ends of doors, thresholds. Why are they the most prone to corrosion? The answer is simple - these parts contain internal cavities in which moisture enters and destroys the metal from the inside. Usually, if in these places the paint starts blistering with bubbles, then there is a hole through it. The rust has gone right through and the paint from it is exfoliated. This is the worst option. Such a car should not be taken, as well as having traces of repair of these places. A repair will not last long and rust will take its toll.
After an accident, the structure of the metal changes, the protective coating is broken. If you have to use welding in places of repair, then there are welded seams, which, perhaps, are the most unstable to corrosion sites. Painting a restored car may not be as good as a factory car. It is necessary to carefully inspect the body of such a car, and, of course, it is potentially less resistant to corrosion, which means it should be cheaper.
It is quite another matter, small chipped paint, in consequence of falling out from under the wheels of stones, they can be processed, primed and died. If everything is done correctly, rust in these places will no longer be.
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At times many are frightened by the rusty appearance of brake discs and drums. On this pay attention is not necessary, they are consumables and require replacement because of natural wear and tear before they can rust.
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